Well a post I was hoping not to write, but after a year of trying to prevent the family from catching Covid-19, unfortunately my husband caught it. I first want to first start off by saying that WE are super thankful that he didn’t get any bad symptoms, and that we are all doing great now and all healthy, but even though he didn’t get bad symptoms, it feels right to share what we all did and how we took pre-cautions. I hope that no one else gets this horrible virus, but if someone does and if there are tips that could possibly helps someone out, that’s what I’m here for!
How did he get it?
Honestly, there is no way of telling. We believe he caught it from work. My husband works at the airport and handles baggage and directs planes in and out of the terminal, so there could be many ways of him catching it. When he went to work one day, he was totally fine, no cold or anything prior to his symptoms appearing, but while he was working he noticed that he couldn’t smell anything around 4pm that day. He said he first noticed it when he couldn’t really smell the jet fuel, but then he said he just assumed it was because of the mask. When he got off work, he went to his locker to change his shoes and ended up spraying the shoe de-oder and that’s when he really noticed his smell was gone.
As he came home from work (with his mask on), I noticed that he went straight into the bathroom and started spraying the bathroom scent spray and came out asking if we could smell the scent; which we replied “yes”. That is when he said he can’t smell anything. I then gave him a peppermint candy, which he hates, and he couldn’t taste it. I asked him if he was feeling ok and he said yes, other than not being able to smell or taste. We knew that losing smell/taste could be a symptom of Covid-19, so I then told him that he needs to immediately go upstairs and quarantine himself until he can get a test to confirm if he’s positive or not.
The next day, he had an appointment at work for a Covid test, which is what they get EVERY WEEK, so he decided to go there a bit earlier to see if they can perform the test before his scheduled time, which was 2pm. He was told there that, the tests that are performed at the place are not actual test to see if he has Covid. Any type of symptom he has regardless if it’s Covid related, will test positive, from what they had told him. So, they ended up sending him home with an ‘at home’ test, which then needs to be mailed and “supposedly” more accurate then the test they give. *who knows*
So, here we are. My kids and I are sleeping downstairs on air mattresses and my husband is quarantined upstairs in our bedroom.
We ended up finding out 3 days later that he was positive for Covid-19, which then confirmed that he had to quarantine in the room for a total of 10 days from when his first symptom appeared.
When it came to delivering food, water, or anything else my husband asked for, I would place it outside of the door on a chair and knock to let him know it’s there and immediately go downstairs. I would also have a towel at the crack of the door, just as a pre-caution. You may think I’m crazy, but the girls and I didn’t have any symptoms, and I wanted to do everything possible to make sure the girls didn’t catch this virus.
I even bought $60 worth of medicine, just to prepare, in case the girls and I caught it. Luckily, I stocked up prior to him catching this, so my husband already had some upstairs with him.
I also made sure that we all took our vitamins everyday, especially him. Raw zinc and elderberry were our top vitamins to boost our immune systems and for the girls I gave them their regular vitamins along with elderberry as well.
As the days passed by, my husband luckily didn’t have any other symptoms. However, because he couldn’t smell and taste food is was very mental for him. He did lose his appetite, but not because of Covid, but because he couldn’t even smell and taste it. He said with this happening it gave him more of a sense of appreciation of not only his smell but his taste. Also, he was losing his mind being up there any not having any other symptoms. If you know us, we don’t spend out time in our room. We spend most of our time downstairs, and really only go upstairs whenever it’s time for bed. So it really made him go crazy being there.
As far as the girls and I, we were still good. Thank the lord! Girls school went from upstairs in the loft, back downstairs.
And when it came do working on blogs and eating my breakfast or lunches, I used this lovely folding table in the living room, since the girls took over our dining table, due to school.
Whenever we needed to go upstairs for anything, we made sure we wore not 1 mask but 2 LOL. Again, taking pre-cautions here! The girls were only allowed to go upstairs to get ready for school and to shower and get ready for bed, but I didn’t allow them to play upstairs or play in the room.
I really wanted to make sure I was doing everything possible because for the last 2 times Avery got sick within the last 2 years, she got 2 small seizures from her temperature being so high, which probably makes more sense now on why I went over board.
Day 8…
Still no other symptoms, and he was bored as hell at this point, but he was 2 days away from being released out of “bedroom prison” LOL. However, he was starting to get a little bit of his taste back, which was great because we read that some people that deal with these symptoms don’t get their smell/taste back for a few weeks!
My poor husband has been wishing all Winter long that it would snow where we live so we could take the quads out… and low and behold while his was in “bedroom prison” is snowed!
Day 9…
This was the day that we cleaned the entire house really good! I sanitized everything downstairs and then upstairs as well. My husband did the same thing for our room. He cleaned and sanitized everything really really good
Day 10…
He is released from “bedroom prison”!!! At this point he has his taste completely back and most of his smell. He didn’t fully get his smell back until I would say day 12, but luckily his taste was fully there.
Of course the first thing my husband wanted to do, was to go to the mountains up by our house to get some fresh air and just to be away from home. I don’t blame him. LOL
The day after, Lucille’s BBQ was also on his agenda, which I WILL NOT complain or say no too! Their beed ribs are to die for! So yummy!
As I mentioned before, we are super thankful his symptoms were not worse and that the girls and I did not catch it either. I know there are so many people out there, that got it worse or have even lost their life. So as much as my husband complained about being stuck in a room with his symptoms only being loss of smell and taste, we are just thankful it was not worse!
Hopefully these tips help anyone out there that catches this awful virus! Stay safe out there friends and don’t forget to sanitize and wear your mask!
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